What to include and what to avoid in a cover letter

What to include and what to avoid in a cover letter

A cover letter is an essential document that accompanies your resume or CV when you apply for a job. It serves as an introduction to you as a candidate and gives you an opportunity to explain why you are the best fit for the position. Writing a cover letter can be challenging, but if you follow the right approach, it can make a strong impression on potential employers.

To make your cover letter stand out, it's crucial to include the following:

  1. Personalized Introduction: Begin your cover letter by addressing the hiring manager by name. This shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the position. If you're not sure who the hiring manager is, take the time to find out.
  2. Explanation of Why You're a Good Fit: Your cover letter should explain why you are a good fit for the position. Highlight your skills, qualifications, and experiences that are relevant to the job requirements. Show the employer how your past experiences have prepared you for the job, and how your skills match the company's requirements.
  3. Relevant Achievements: Use specific examples to demonstrate your accomplishments that align with the requirements of the job. Quantify your achievements to provide context and make them more compelling. Use numbers to show how you improved performance or increased revenue, for example.
  4. Passion and Enthusiasm: Employers want to hire candidates who are enthusiastic about the position and the company. Make sure your cover letter conveys your passion and excitement for the opportunity. Research the company and mention something that resonates with you, such as their culture, products, or services. Explain how you can contribute to the company's success and why you're excited about the position.
  5. Call to Action: Conclude your cover letter by expressing your interest in an interview or follow-up call. Provide your contact information and make it easy for the hiring manager to reach out to you.

On the other hand, here are some things to avoid in your cover letter:

  1. Clichés: Avoid using generic statements that don't add any value to your application. For example, "I am a hard worker" or "I am a team player." These phrases are overused and don't demonstrate your unique qualities.
  2. Grammatical Errors: Make sure to proofread your cover letter to avoid any grammatical errors. Poor grammar can create a negative impression of your application. Use online tools or ask someone else to review it for you.
  3. Irrelevant Information: Only include information that is relevant to the job requirements. Don't waste space in your cover letter by talking about unrelated experiences or achievements. Focus on what the employer is looking for.
  4. Too Much Detail: Keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Don't provide too much detail about your qualifications and experiences. The purpose of the cover letter is to entice the hiring manager to read your resume, not to provide a comprehensive overview of your career.
  5. Arrogance: Avoid sounding arrogant or entitled in your cover letter. Instead, focus on how your skills and experiences can benefit the company. Don't make demands or expect the employer to cater to your needs.

In conclusion, a well-written cover letter can make a big difference in your job search. By including the right information and avoiding common mistakes, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers. Remember to personalize your introduction, explain why you're a good fit for the job, highlight relevant achievements, express passion and enthusiasm, and include a call to action. Avoid using clichés, grammatical errors, irrelevant information, too much detail, and arrogance. Good luck with your job search!